It is true that as one ages, they learn more about themselves, their likes and dislikes, habits, and pleasures. Culture defines who we are and influences our personality, who we are human beings. Before this class, I had never given much thought about my culture or how it has shaped how I view the world and my beliefs.
Exploring my culture was much more difficult than I had anticipated. When viewing myself, it was hard to see why certain aspects of my life affected my being and who I have become today. As the pieces came together on my collage, I began to see how my experiences have really influenced my culture. The divorce, for me, was a driving force that has significantly influenced how I treat others and how I view relationships. Learning about myself has given me a truer and more complete sense of self that will give me the confidence to be myself in the classroom. Reading my classmate’s blogs regarding their culture was an eye opener as well. We all have had such different experiences and come from all aspects of life yet we all have the same vision, to educate. The more I know about others and their culture the more I will understand the diverse students that I will one day teach. I have learned that it is very important, even vital, to get to know the community it which you are serving. This will give the best insight into the student’s lives outside of school and help foster a sense of family and community in the classroom.
I have changed the way in which I look at urban areas, schools, and people. I never realized that this country’s idea of the self-sufficiency wage is so low. I have adjusted my stereotypes and now understand that some of the families are really struggling for a better life and just can’t seem to get there. The schools are failing not because of the kids, but due to the corrupt bureaucracies that are run by money and fraud.
Reading Unequal Childhoods was very interesting and broadened my horizons about the different family make-ups and lives. Through this literature, I have also discovered the major differences in class structure and how child rearing is heavily affected by the parent’s income. Not only that, but class influences how parents communicate and interact in their child’s school and extracurricular activities. Class is a concept that I never gave much thought to and it really shapes a child’s life.
As for being a future educator anywhere, I am willing to take risks like the teacher from Spectacular Things and drive the curriculum based on democracy and student interest. There is no doubt that those children remember their experiences in Room 405 and have used what they have learned there to become better learners in the following grades. My concern was, that once in the sixth grade, if the new teacher teaches in a traditional way, will that inhibit or change the way the student’s look at school because they no longer have a say in what they are learning? Although the student’s didn’t get what they set out for, when it comes down to it, what they have gained from the process was just as rewarding not only to them, but to Mr. Shultz because they were able to see the little successes along the way. Not knowing the outcome of the curriculum or where it could potentially take you could be frightening for an educator; for that matter not knowing all of the answers. I embrace the idea of learning together. That is what education is all about.
Art is my passion. I want to share this with my students one day. Art is a process, a science, its creative and there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to expressing yourself. However, when it comes to safety issues, there is no discussion to be had. Especially with inks and acids in printmaking or using the blowtorch or kiln. I know that I will let my students have an active role in their learning and I will be there to foster a creative, comfortable, classroom community while sharing inspiration and passion to the learning and appreciation of art. I will be sure to learn about the community in which I am serving and take an active role in learning about my student’s culture’s to understand just where they are coming from and where they can grow to.
Same with me. I have never attended a high school in an urban area. I'm glad I was able to see how Arts High was for me instead of based upon what people say. It is always better to witness something in person and judge for yourself it from all angles and points of view.